DC Trawler

How to dodge Benghazi

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Step 1: Deny everything.
Step 2: Deny that you denied everything.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Old news!

But enough about Jay Carney. Speaking of inept Obama administration flunkies making complete fools of themselves, Joel Gehrke at the Washington Examiner reports:

“You’ll have to take my word for it,” said a spokesperson for the most transparent administration in history when reporters asked her to substantiate her claim that the CIA removed references to terrorists from the Benghazi talking points before the State Department ever saw them.

“If you look at the talking points and the train of that, the reference to al Qaeda was taken out even before the State Department saw the talking points,” Jen Psaki, former traveling campaign press secretary for the Obama team in 2012, told reporters during the State Department press briefing Monday…

Psaki’s suggestion that they “look at the talking points” gave one reporter an opening. “I can’t know that it was taken out before the State Department saw it because you haven’t released all that information,” the reporter pointed out. “You’re just telling me that.”

“All right,” Psaki replied. “Well, you’ll have to take my word for it, or I believe that email may have been public…”

“You’ll have to take my word for it.” I don’t know which part is more mordantly amusing: That Psaki is tone-deaf enough to utter those words in the middle of all this, or that for over four years, the press has done exactly that. They’ve taken the Obama administration’s word for it. The Gospel According to Barry.

Hell, a lot of them still believe. Maybe they can help him out.

P.S. Or maybe not: ABC, CNN, NBC call for White House to release Libya e-mails.

P.P.S. Thanks to commenter Pablo for reminding me that Psaki also lied about the Obama campaign’s claim that Mitt Romney gave a lady cancer. But don’t take my word for it, click the link.