DC Trawler

Alec Baldwin’s new show got really good ratings if you don’t count Fox News

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Wouldn’t it be nice if FNC didn’t exist? They ruin everything!

Lisa De Moraes, Deadline.com:

Alec Baldwin’s premiere of his new MSNBC interview show Up Late With Alec Baldwin logged an average of 654,000 viewers on Friday – up 53% compared to the timeslot’s take one week earlier.

Wow, 53%? Yay! But oh no, wait:

That said, the Hollywood A-lister clocked 172,000 viewers in the news demo — a 7% drop compared to MSNBC’s performance in the hour one week earlier with an episode of MSNBC Investigates. Fox News Channel trounced Baldwin in the timeslot: Hannity logged 1.5 million viewers — 338,000 in demo.

Ouch! That mean ol’ Hannity.

At least De Moraes softened the blow by calling Baldwin an “A-lister.” What is this, 1990?

Since it’s unlikely impossible that you watched it, here’s a taste. Keep in mind that this is just the first segment, not the entire episode. It only seems like an hour.

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Hello? Are you still there? I’m very sorry about that. No, I couldn’t finish it either. I thought for sure he’d say something interesting within the first five minutes or so. That’s giving him a fair shot, right? Five minutes? I think that’s fair.

By the way… If the show airs at 10 on Friday night, why is it called Up Late? I thought MSNBC’s audience was supposed to be young.

Nice diner set, though. If they want to get some buzz going, they should hire somebody to play a waitress for Baldwin to berate. Or maybe a waiter who happens to be black and/or gay. Somebody to cause some friction with Baldwin. America enjoys Alec Baldwin being awful to people, 30 Rock‘s ratings notwithstanding.

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Jim Treacher