DC Trawler

Hey, where’s @Obamacare?

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I don’t mean Obamacare* itself, also known by the Orwellian euphemism “Affordable Care Act.” We all know exactly where that is: down the toilet. I’m talking about @Obamacare, the official Twitter account of this abject disaster.

It’s run by Organizing for Action, the non-profit, completely non-partisan organization that, um, also runs Obama’s Twitter account. (And whines about my choice of headlines.) For a while there, @Obamacare was chugging along nicely:






Woohoo. Woohoo indeed.

And then… silence.

OFA hasn’t told us any fairy tales all week. That’s an eternity in social-media time, especially considering they’re getting paid for it. Where’d they go? Did something happen? Did something not happen?

It took me a minute, but I finally figured it out:


Or perhaps they’re just worn out from all that #happydancing. Hey! You over there! Why aren’t you #happydancing? King Barry the First commands you to #happydance!

Get well soon, @Obamacare. We need you around every bit as much as we need the law for which you’re named.

*Remember when we weren’t supposed to call it that? Don’t worry, it’s no longer racist. For now.

Update: WaPo: Traffic plunges 88% at Healthcare.gov since launch. Well, there you go. Everybody’s signed up already. #Happydance!