
Liberal blogger gets skewered on Twitter for failed Obamacare prediction

Jamie Weinstein Senior Writer
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Poor Matt Yglesias.

The liberal economics blogger for Slate thinks he knows more than you. So when people began predicting that the Obamacare exchanges might not get off to such a great start, he was there to correct them.

“I wanted to once again take the opportunity to lay down a marker and say once again that Obamacare implementation is going to be a huge political success,” he wrote in July on his blog.

But so far, the implementation of Obamacare’s online exchanges have gone anything but swell. Even liberals like former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and Jon Stewart have noted as much. Liberal Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein straightforwardly called Obamacare’s launch “a failure.”

Now, everybody gets things wrong — I certainly have. But Yglesias’ smugness on Twitter has engendered a lot of animus. So as you might imagine, Yglesias’ Twitter haters are out in full force to remind him of his failed prediction. They’ve even come up with a Twitter hashtag so they can imagine other failed predictions Yglesias may have made throughout history. Enjoy:





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