Ginni Thomas

Author demands progressive non-profits and Congress stop financing terror [VIDEO]

Ginni Thomas Contributor
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Edwin Black, a self-proclaimed progressive and Pultizer Prize-nominated investigative journalist from Chicago, recently released a scathing book about misdirected charitable funds on the world stage.

Black’s book, “Financing the Flames,” exposes a dark world of powerful, well-funded supra-governmental non-profits that he calls the “Big NGO,” who are advancing and supporting a culture of conflict in the world, including payments for acts of terror there.

Black calls what he has uncovered “philanthropic abuse,” as groups such as the New Israel Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, the Soros organizations and others are diverting donor funds to finance acts of terrorism and destabilize legitimate governmental authorities to nudge the world toward global governance.

In this interview, Black calls on these groups to “stop doing what they are doing” and to focus on traditional, legitimate acts of charitable, human rights assistance.

Asked who knows about his revelations, Black said members of Congress “are learning this now, and they are becoming shocked that their money is fungibly financing, openly financing, in contravention of American law, actual terrorists.”

But direct taxpayer monies through federal grants and aid is “only part of the problem,” he said.

“We have hundreds of millions of dollars in 501(c)(3) donations, and those donations are going to such organizations as the New Israel Fund,” Black said. “Now, what does the New Israel Fund do? Well, first of all, they do a lot of good things. They help uplift battered women. They address the disadvantaged. They do all the things charitable organizations should do, and for that they deserve credit. But, they also do something else. Among the 800 or so organizations that they fund, they fund scores which are engaged in the destabilization of the IDF [the Israeli military] and the attempt to delegitimize the state of Israel. This, according to leadership in the Israeli Parliament, known as the Knesset, and according to an array of military leaders that we ourselves interviewed from the bottom ranks, the middle ranks and senior ranks of the Israeli military.”

Black’s interest in exposing philanthropic abuse is unrelated to the political left or right, he says.

In a previous segment of the interview, Black described the frightening rise of the progressive NGO.

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Ginni Thomas