DC Trawler

How to make Obamacare a success

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It’s as easy as one, two, three:

  1. Move the goalposts
  2. Lie about whether it went between the goalposts after you moved them
  3. Tell people to shut up

Neil Munro reports:

President Barack Obama Tuesday tried to rally Democratic leaders and base voters behind his Obamacare network, and slashed at his critics for supposedly trying to block people from getting health care.

“The debate over repealing this law is over, the Affordable Care Act is here to stay,” Obama insisted during a late-afternoon April 1 press event in the Rose Garden, that was attended by Democratic legislators who cheered his announcement that the network had reached 7.1 million signups.

Don’t ask why this particular, suspiciously specific number is important. Don’t ask how many of these “signups” have actually signed up. Don’t ask how many have paid anything. Don’t ask how many had already lost the insurance they liked because of this disastrous law, in spite of Obama’s repeated phony promises…

In fact, don’t ask anything. That’s not your place. The debate is over. Why would Obama say the debate is over if it isn’t over? It’s over. Shut up. 95% of the media has.

Shut. Up.

That goes double for you cancer patients who dare to complain. You should’ve thought about that before you decided to get cancer in America. The central planners know what’s best for you, not you and your doctors.

But King Barry wasn’t done:

He also smeared GOP legislators and voters who want a decentralized, free-market health-care system — rather than his centralized, government-managed Obamacare system — as opposed to health care for Americans.

“I’ve got to admit, I don’t get it,” he said. “Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance? Why are they so mad about the idea of folks having health insurance?”

You can tell he’s one of the good guys, because he has to lie about his opponents. He wouldn’t need to make stuff up about you if you’d just stop disagreeing with him, you dumb teabaggers!

None of the people who will die because of Obamacare are as important as the people who possibly would’ve died without it. There’s no way to prove the latter, you might say. So? “What If” is most important than “What Is.”

Now that Obamacare is suddenly such a huge success, the Republicans will never win another election again. To our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left: Make sure to boast about Obamacare every single day until Tuesday, November 4, 2014.


Update: “If the law is now such a success, why are Senate Democrats still fleeing?” I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP

Update: “It’s amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory and fine people if they don’t do it and then keep extending the deadline for months.” So says that infamous right-wing racist… Jimmy Fallon???