
SHOCK POLL: Wendy Davis losing big among Texas women

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Texas women prefer Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott to self-styled feminist Democratic hopeful Wendy Davis, according to a new survey from a left-leaning polling firm.

According to a new Public Policy Polling survey, Davis’ favorability rating is upside down with women, while Abbott is right side up.

Thirty-two percent of women view Davis favorably, while 46 percent view her unfavorably, and 22 percent were not sure. But 35 percent of women viewed Abbott favorably, and only 27 percent said they viewed him unfavorably. Thirty-eight percent weren’t sure.

Abbott also took 49 percent of the female vote in a head-to-head matchup, compared to 41 percent for Davis, with 11 percent unsure.

Abbott is also leading Davis among men, 53 percent to 32 percent.

PPP’s survey of 559 registered voters from April 10 – 13 has a margin of error of +/- 4.1 percentage points. Overall, it found Abbott with a comfortable 14-point lead over Davis, 51 percent to 37 percent.

“Women get exhausted with women candidates who say they are pro-woman and then run on issues that real women don’t say are most important to them,” Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway told The Daily Caller.

She added that this is another indication that the Democrats’ “war on women” narrative has run its course.

“They run the risk of alienating voters who wonder when they’ll address everyday affordability, long term financial security and healthcare,” she said.

“It looks like it’s going to be an uphill battle for Democrats in Texas this year,” Dean Debnam, the president of Public Policy Polling, said in a statement. “Barack Obama’s approval rating in the state is 36% and that makes life hard for his party’s candidates.”