
Advice Column Question Sounds Suspiciously Like Breaking Bad’s Plot

Taylor Bigler Entertainment Editor
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This is either a very, very big (and tragic) coincidence or someone pretending to be Walter White’s wife just trolled the advice columnist at the Winnipeg Free Press.

A person using the moniker “Stressed and Confused” wrote to the paper’s Miss Lonelyhearts columnist asking for advice because her husband who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer has “become a completely different person,” has started smoking pot and probably has a secret cell phone.

If you’re a fan of “Breaking Bad” (and if you’re not, just get out of here), this scenario should remind you of the first two seasons:

Dear Miss Lonelyhearts: I’ve been happily married to my husband for 15 years; however, he was recently diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. Ever since his diagnosis, he’s become a completely different person. He sometimes comes home in the middle of the night with no explanation of where he was. I found out he started smoking marijuana. I also have a pretty good suspicion he has a second cellphone, though he denies it. I desperately need help. I’m currently pregnant, to go along with a moody son, a husband with lung cancer and an overdrawn chequing account. — Stressed and Confused, Winnipeg.

The only difference between Skyler’s two-season predicament is that she would have never written the word “chequing.”

This is what the columnist had to say:

Dear Stressed: You have to get tough now. Your husband knows he’s going to die and it won’t be long, so he’s doing whatever he pleases. He may not be thinking of you, his child and the baby any more, or when he does, it makes him depressed and panicky. Drugs and women are big distractions from those feelings, Second cellphones make contacting another woman or a drug dealer much easier.

If “Stressed and Confused” is a real live person, someone needs to send her the “Breaking Bad” box set immediately, because her husband IS THE DANGER.

(h/t UPROXX)

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