The Mirror

Bath Time

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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1. Sally Quinn talks about her husband’s dementia on C-SPAN… Candid as ever, WaPo‘s Sally Quinn let’s the public in on Ben Bradlee‘s declining condition. Suffering with dementia, the 93-year-old sleeps 20 hours a day and is now in hospice. Why you should read it: Like everything these days, lots of oversharing. Quinn calls caring for him “sacred.” That’s lovely. She says they still spend quality time together. Still lovely. And then: “I still have him sleeping in the bed with me,” she said. Whoa! And yes, we’ll be hearing about all this and more in her memoir. Read and watch here.

2. Show Ferguson, Mo. the money…  The AP is reporting that Ferguson officials are charging news organizations up a storm for requested public records. The AP, BuzzFeed and Washington Post have all reported exorbitant fees. Read here.

3. Journalists don’t always dress like such sh&t do they? The upcoming film Spotlight shows that they might. Why you should read it: If nothing else, you have to see Rachel McAdams’ journo makeover.  See The Daily Mail’s writeup here.

4. George Zimmerman’s brother thinks you care who he fucks…Mediaite has a funny writeup of the GQ profile on George Zimmerman. In short, CNN hooked them up at the Ritz in Miami for three days, all expenses included. The bill: $3,600. Why you should read it: To find out what they spent all that money on and what George returned so they wouldn’t look so douchey. Read here.

5. Some horrified reactions to NYP’s cover on Chelsea Clinton’s newborn baby girl…Thankfully it’ll be awhile until little Charlotte can read and understand what happened the day after she was born. Why you should read it: Because you have to see yet another reason why people love to hate the media so much. See here