The Mirror

Sophia Nelson To Host Master Class To Unlock Your 2015

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Some people ring in the new year with champagne, whiskey and a eight ball. Sophia Nelson, motivational journalist and author of the newly published The Woman Code, is offering a three-day journey to transform your new year.

unnamed-1Like everything these days, it’s virtual. It runs Dec. 27-29.

The cost: $45 for three classes.

Helping you unlock you life are the following of Sophia’s friends:

Some names you know like Christine Caine (Propel Women), Nicole Roberts Jones (of Motivating the Masses), Inspirational & Spiritual Authors/personalities Vikki Johnson, & Detra Trueheart. Inspirational film Producer Carmen Studer, the People Expert Dr. Sabrina Jackson, Mega Church Talent Manager & Public Relations expert Crystal Smith of Joy105, and Deborah Owens America’s Money Coach!! We will have professional etiquette coach Barbara Holtstreeter, Girlfriend Group founder Vanessa Maddox and more!

Classes are 65 minutes with 25 minutes of guest inspirations and life tools sharing and 25 minutes of core course instruction.

Register here.