The Mirror

OUCH! Vox’ Matthew Yglesias Mistaken For A 55-Year-Old

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Does executive editor Matthew Yglesias have that disease where he prematurely ages? Or maybe he just wrinkles up in the bathtub?

Somehow a female writer for Gigaom mistook the 3o-something journalist for being in his mid-50s.

Could it be his receding hairline and relatively unkempt facial hair?

Laura Hazard Owen just assumed that the “four brave white men” she was was writing about were all around the same age.

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Naturally, Yglesias took to Twitter to set the record straight.

“Excellent headline,” he wrote. “A little disturbed that @laurahazardowen thinks I’m 55. I’m only 33 is all. And life is fun. I want those precious 20 extra years!”

That headline is: “Four Brave White Men Decide The Future Of Publishing.”