
Hillary Clinton Also Lived Through The Blizzard of 1947

Patrick Howley Political Reporter
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Democratic presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton will celebrate a milestone this week: living through what could be the biggest blizzard in New York City history and also the one that held the record for nearly six decades: the famous “Blizzard of 1947.”

Clinton might be telling her granddaughter tonight about what it was like to be two months old during the famed Blizzard of ’47, which occurred 67 years ago and 69 years before the 2016 presidential election.

The former New York senator might remember back to being in Chicago at the time, listening to the first season of “You Bet Your Life” on ABC Radio as President Truman rung New York mayor William O’Dwyer to get updates.

The Blizzard of 1947 pounded Joe DiMaggio’s town with 26.4 inches, claiming the New York blizzard record and holding it for twelve presidential administrations until the blizzard of 2006 brought 26.9 inches.

So how will The Blizzard of 2015 compare on the list of major snowstorms that have occurred within Hillary Clinton’s lifetime and also the lifetime of the “instant camera?”

Like Angela Lansbury, we’ll just have to find out.

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