DC Trawler

Barack Obama: ‘We’re A Nation Of Laws, BUT…”

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Once again, Barack Obama has said something off-teleprompter that reveals who and what he really is. And this time, the White House itself made sure we all saw it.

The Reprimander-in-Chief held a town hall in Miami yesterday, in a room full of undocumented immigrants illegal aliens. And at one point in his stultifying, blame-shifting babble, he said this:



We all remember Obama’s oath of office, right?

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.


See, there is no “but.” Saying “We’re a nation of laws, but…” reveals that Obama doesn’t believe we’re a nation of laws at all. He thinks laws don’t apply to him if he doesn’t like those laws. He thinks he can do whatever he wants, regardless of the wishes of the American people. He does his best to lie about it, he claims that everybody who didn’t vote last November is in his corner, but statements like this reveal what he’s really all about.

Obama loves America so much that he’s willing to ignore the law to get what he wants.

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Jim Treacher