
Watch Edward Snowden Give John Oliver Some ‘Sexy’ Password Advice [VIDEO]

(Screenshot: "Last Week Tonight" wth John Oliver)

Giuseppe Macri Tech Editor
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John Oliver’s interview with Edward Snowden shed new, unflattering light on National Security Agency surveillance Sunday by informing Americans their “dick pics” were fair game for agency interception. In an outtake posted Thursday, the whistleblower exposed further revealing information about passwords.

“Bad password are one of the easiest ways to compromise a system,” Snowden explained. “For somebody who has a very common eight-character password, it can literally take less than a second for a computer to go through the possibilities and pull that password out.”

After shooting down a few of Oliver’s good attempts at comically bad passwords, Snowden gave some advice on what makes a good password — and an incredibly unpleasant mental imagine.


In the full interview aired earlier this week, Oliver gave the international and domestic bulk surveillance programs leaked by Snowden new context by expanding on how various agency tools and legal justifications can be used to intercept Americans intimate, personal pictures.


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