
Gingrich: ‘Any Jury Would Look At’ Clinton Foundation Scandal [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on ABCs’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” that Hillary Clinton was worse than President Richard Nixon when it comes to cover-ups, and that “any jury” would look at the case. (VIDEO: Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Faces ‘Three Years In Jail, Per Document’)

STEPHANOPOULOS: Mr. Speaker, I read that you thought these allegations are starting to reach some kind of critical mass around the foundation that could even force her out of the race.

GINGRICH: Look, this isn’t a political problem, this is a historic problem. The Constitution of the United States says you cannot take money from foreign governments without explicit permission of the Congress. They wrote that in there because they knew the danger of corrupting our system by foreign money is enormous.

You had a sitting secretary of state whose husband radically increased his speech fees, you have a whole series of dots on the wall now, where people gave millions of dollars, oh, by the way, they happen to have gotten taken care of by the State Department.

You raised a good standard. Now of course, having been on the Watergate Committee, she knew exactly what she was doing. She eliminated 33,000 e-mails. Richard Nixon only erased 18 minutes. So you’re going to have a prima facie case that any jury would look at.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You think a jury would look at the case?

GINGRICH: I think a jury would look at the totality of the case and say it’s clearly against the Constitution and against U.S. law.

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