DC Trawler

New Zealand Bans Trolling

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Trolls can be annoying sometimes. But should they be thrown in jail?

Yeah, I know it sounds good, but… Flynn Murphy, The Telegraph (UK):

Internet trolls face up to two years’ jail in New Zealand under a controversial new law which bans “harmful digital communications”…

Under the Harmful Digital Communications Act in effect from this week, anyone convicted of “causing harm by posting digital communication” faces two years in prison and a $50,000 (NZ) (£6,500) fine, while businesses face fines of up to $200,000 (NZ).

Harmful communications can include truthful as well as false information, and “intimate visual recordings” such as nude or seminude pictures or video shared without permission.

Huh. Isn’t it already illegal to put up nude pictures of people without their permission? I guess the Kiwis didn’t have any laws like that until now.

And now it’s illegal in New Zealand to say something that hurts somebody’s feelings, even if it’s true? How is that supposed to work? If I say your mother wears combat boots, and it makes you mad because you’re embarrassed that she really does wear combat boots, I can go to jail for two years? What?

Some NZ legislators have similar concerns:

Speaking against the bill, Greens MP Gareth Hughes said while its intent was noble, its definition of “harm” was “irresponsibly broad”, and said the law could damage journalism in the country.

Yeah. Trolls are stupid, broken people, but they have the right to be. Unless they’re making death threats or doxxing people or engaging in other criminal behavior, they should be able to make fools of themselves all the livelong day. Ain’t no law against it. Or… there shouldn’t be, anyway.

More importantly, clicks are clicks. So troll away, trolls. Keep putting money in my pocket.

Just make sure you stay away from New Zealand.

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Jim Treacher