DC Trawler

Republican Governor To Take Down The Democratic Party’s Battle Flag

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Kudos to Nikki Haley. Democrats created what we now call the Confederate flag, and Democrats voted to fly that flag in South Carolina. It took a Republican governor to bring it down.

Elahe Izadi and Abby Phillip, Washington Post:

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is set to sign a bill that will bring down the Confederate flag on the statehouse grounds, less than a day after lawmakers in the state House of Representatives voted to remove it…

“Today, as the Senate did before them, the House of Representatives has served the State of South Carolina and her people with great dignity,” Haley said in a statement following Thursday’s early morning vote. “I’m grateful for their service and their compassion. It is a new day in South Carolina, a day we can all be proud of, a day that truly brings us all together as we continue to heal, as one people and one state.”

This is a striking rebuke to the Democrats, the party of slavery. Say goodbye to your beloved symbol of hatred, Democrats. The rest of us have moved on.

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Jim Treacher