DC Trawler

Jared Fogle Allegedly Said Some Stuff About Underage Girls

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I’m really trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. He hasn’t been arrested or charged with a crime, and we don’t know what the Feds found in his house, if anything. But now we’re finding out why they were there.

WWSB, Sarasota:

A Suncoast woman is now telling us at least one thing she says Jared Fogle said numerous times during interactions with her.

The woman, who asked us not to identify her, says she spoke with Fogle numerous times starting about 10 years ago…

According to the woman, Jared would often visit schools in Sarasota County, and allegedly told her numerous times that, “Middle school girls are hot.”

The woman accused Jared of making even more inappropriate comments, but she won’t go into much more detail.

“They weren’t jokes. They were very serious,” she said.

Even keeping in mind that this woman is anonymous, and how bizarre an idea it is for a famous guy to go around talking about underage girls like that, it sounds bad. Combine that with the guy from Jared’s childhood-obesity foundation who got busted with kiddie porn, and it can’t just be dismissed as hearsay.

His silence isn’t helping either. Maybe he figures it’s all over anyway.

I really hope it’s not true. I mean, Jared from Subway? Really? #smdh

He hasn’t been seen since Tuesday. My guess is that wherever he is, he’s eating like crazy. Why not?

Update: To give you an idea how bad it is, Jared’s cameo just got cut from Sharknado 3, but Anthony Weiner is still, um, in.

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Jim Treacher