DC Trawler

Obama Born In Kenya

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No, no, I don’t mean Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States. When he claimed to have been born in Kenya, he was lying. Remember?


No, I’m talking about an entirely different Obama with an even cooler name. Yes, it’s possible!

Mary Chastain, Breitbart:

President Barack Obama’s trip to Kenya inspired several women to name their children after the First Family. One woman took it a step further to keep her child more unique.

“I have decided to call my baby AirForceOne Barack Obama so that we can all remember Obama’s visit to Kenya because it is a huge blessing,” explained Lucy A Akiniyo Okoth.

Another mother decided to keep it simple with AirForceOne.

“I have been told that it is the best airplane because it carries a very powerful leader of America who is also a Kenyan,” said Lucy Atieno.

She has been told correctly. It’s fitting and proper for a parent to name a child after the vehicle a famous hero uses, or my name isn’t Batmobile Sean Medlock.

I wonder what AirForceOne’s nickname will be? Airf? Forcey? I like Forcey. Happy Birthday, Forcey!

(Hat tip: Nero)