
New Hampshire Voter Confronts Clinton Over Saying Republicans Are Her Enemy [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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A New Hampshire voter told Hillary Clinton Monday at a town hall event that her comment that Republicans are her enemy is “disheartening.” (VIDEO: The Enemy Hillary’s Most Proud Of? ‘Republicans’)

“As a student of history, I feel right now this country is most divided since the Civil War,” the woman told Clinton. “My question to you is: for the first time in all the times I’ve listened to you, you said, the Republicans as your enemies. That was disheartening.”

“I’m not asking you to retract it,” she continued. “What I am asking you is when you are president, will you please extend the olive branch because we are all Americans?”(VIDEO: Clinton Comms Director Doubles Down On Hillary’s Republicans Are My Enemy Comment)

Clinton then claimed that Republicans “sometimes view me that way” as an enemy.

Clinton then explained that when she was a senator, secretary of state, and the first lady, she “always reached out to Republicans,” including [crscore]Lindsey Graham[/crscore].

“When I’m in office, I have great relations with Republicans. They say wonderful things about me. When I am running for office, it’s a little different,” Clinton suggested.

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