
Trump Calls Sanders A ‘Communist’ Whose Campaign Is ‘Over’

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Donald Trump blasted Bernie Sanders, and insisted the Vermont senator is a “communist” whose campaign is “over.”

In an interview with Yahoo Politics, Trump explained that Sanders “lost” the race during the first Democratic debate when he said he was “sick and tired of hearing about” Clinton’s “damn emails.” (RELATED:Bernie Sanders Says He’s Tired Of Hearing About Hillary’s ‘Damn Emails’ [VIDEO])

Trump explained Sanders “had a great opportunity to do some serious damage, and in order to be politically correct, and in order to be nice, and in order to get a good sound bite that lasted about 10 seconds with the applause — it wasn’t even a very big applause — he gave up the whole email scandal.” And with that statement, Sanders “lost the election right there. He just lost his election. No. He’s gone. He’s gone now.”

Trump railed against Sanders’ political ideology and said, “I think he’s a communist. I think he’s actually a communist with a socialistic bent. Anybody that would say that the Paris attacks were caused by global warming, there’s something missing. Even the most ardent global-warming believers aren’t buying that one.” (RELATED: Democrats’ ISIS Strategy Is To Fight Global Warming)

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