
Howard Dean Calls People Who Own ‘Assault’ Weapons ‘Lunatics’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Howard Dean says “people don’t need an assault weapon to kill a deer and the NRA members in Vermont are sensible, thoughtful people, not lunatics. ”

Appearing on “MSNBC Live” on Monday, the former Vermont governor argued, “Well, look, there have been domestic terrorists abusing these guns for a long time.” (RELATED: Democratic Rep. Sanchez Decries ‘Multiautomatic Round Weapons’)

“I don’t see, I personally don’t believe you have to have assault rifles,” Dean insisted. “Look, I was endorsed eight consecutive times by the National Rifle Association, every statewide race I ran. In our state, people don’t need an assault weapon to kill a deer and the NRA members in Vermont are sensible, thoughtful people, not lunatics. We don’t have to have all these kinds of weapons like this.”

“And if we didn’t, I’m not arguing that it would never be a mass murder like this one,” Dean explained. “I would argue that it would at least make it less likely and that is what this is about, is reducing the odds of innocent Americans are gonna get killed. That’s what the president spoke about last night. I would like to hear one constructive thing from the Republican Party, because I have yet to hear it and I think it’s a disgrace in a time of national sadness over this tragedy.” (RELATED: Obama Calls Gun Control ‘A Matter Of National Security’)

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