
Trump Wins Network TV Coverage By Almost Three Times After Skipping Debate

(Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Despite not attending the Republican debate on Thursday night, Donald Trump still won the post debate network coverage war by roughly three times versus the rest of the GOP field.

In analysis compiled by Newsbusters, during the Friday morning broadcast TV shows, Trump received over 21 minutes of coverage compared to only seven minutes for the rest of the GOP field. (RELATED: GOP Rivals Try For Laughs As Donald Ducks Debate)

ABC’s “Good Morning America” emblazoned their Trump coverage with the headline “Trump Takes Stage at Competing Event.” NBC’s “Today” announced that “Trump Overshadows GOP Debate,” while CBS ran with “Trump Tries to Own Debate Night Despite Boycott” on “This Morning.” (RELATED: Trump Backs Out Of Fox News Debate [VIDEO])

Instead of attending the Fox News debate, Trump held his own even for veterans Thursday night in Iowa. (RELATED: Here Are The People Who Donated $6 Million To Donald Trump’s Fundraiser For Vets)

Broken down by network, Trump was covered six minutes and thirty one seconds on ABC, while one and twenty three minutes were devoted to the rest of the GOP field. NBC covered Trump for six minutes two seconds while devoting only one minute and eight seconds to the rest of the GOP field.

CBS covered Trump for eight minutes thirty seconds while only devoting five minutes twelve seconds to the other Republican candidates.

In total, Trump’s event received twenty on minutes three seconds of coverage while only seven minutes forty three seconds to the actual debate. Trump was by a 2.73 to one ratio.

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