
Trump Boasts How Far His Hands Can Hit Golf Balls

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump told supporters in Michigan Friday why he wanted to set the record straight about the size of his manhood at Thursday’s debate.

Florida Sen. [crscore]Marco Rubio[/crscore] disparaged the size of Trump’s hands last week implying it indicated the size of Trump’s genitals.

Trump hit back at the slam on Thursday saying before the debate audience:

“Nobody has ever hit my hands before. Look at those hands,” Trump said displaying them up, spread-fingered. “He referred to my hands — if they’re small, something else must be small.”

He added: “I guarantee you there’s no problem.”

On Friday, he said, “Those hands can hit a golf ball 285 yards,” Trump bragged

“I’ve never been criticized about the size of my hands before,” he said. “I’m saying to myself: ‘What’s going on here? So what do I do?’ For the rest of my life I have the curse that I have little hands, little hands.”

Trump reportedly looked over at his staff and asked,  “What do I do? Do I stand back and just take incoming and act presidential?”

Trump then noted he has tremendous support as result of standing up for himself.

“That’s the problem with our country,” he said. “Our country takes abuse from everybody and we don’t do anything about it.”

Rubio called Trump’s remarks on stage “vulgar,” telling CNN, “Nothing surprises us anymore. This man is, as I told you, he has injected a level of vulgarity into the political discourse that we’ve never seen. And as far as, what I said something — first of all, I didn’t say what he was saying, and I said it one time. He has personally attacked the disabled journalist, I mean everyone basically. There is no one he has not personally attacked, sometimes in the most vulgar ways.”

[crscore]Ted Cruz[/crscore] supporter Iowa Republican Rep. [crscore]Steve King[/crscore] commented to The Daily Caller at the Conservative Political Action Conference that “strange things that one never could have predicted are happening on the debate stage time after time, but after watching that I didn’t think the acrimony was as sharp tonight as it was in previous nights.”

King remarked, “I sure hope the presidency of the United States doesn’t hinge on hand size, but I was wondering if Marco Rubio wasn’t about to say that if Trump’s hands were on his wrists they would have been out of proportion too.”

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