DC Trawler

Somebody Put A Fake Trump Tombstone In Central Park

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Donald Trump is a bad person and would be an even worse president. But that doesn’t make the following any less creepy and stupid.


“I don’t want him dead, but I don’t like him.” A perfectly rational reaction.

Someone placed an actual Trump tombstone in Central Park

A photo posted by Sachin RB (@sachinrb) on

When I saw this story, I assumed the tombstone was made of styrofoam or something. But it sure does look like an actual granite tombstone. Somebody went to the trouble of having it carved — What does that cost in New York? A grand? Two grand? — and then hauled it into Central Park. Gotta admire the pranksters’ commitment, if not their judgment.

Some people support Donald Trump because they want to spite hysterical liberals who have no sense of proportion. I’ll never vote for the guy, or pretend it’s a good idea to vote for the guy, but I understand that motivation. Silly stunts like this just give these Trump supporters yet another reason to buy dumb red baseball hats.

Decrying hate by wishing the hater dead? Do better, Democrats.

Jim Treacher