
Biden: ‘Hillary’s Overwhelmingly Qualified To Be President’ [VIDEO]

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Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Vice President Joe Biden weighed into the presidential debate to argue on behalf of Hillary Clinton to suggest that “Hillary’s overwhelmingly qualified to be president.”

In an interview with Mic, Biden was asked about Bernie Sanders’ comment that Clinton wasn’t “qualified” to be president and Biden said that both Clinton and Sanders are “totally qualified to be president.” (RELATED: Sanders Says Clinton Isn’t ‘Qualified’ To Be President)

Biden was later asked if Clinton was held to a higher standard because she was a woman, and Biden said, “No, I don’t think she’s held to a higher standard. And this country is ready for a woman. I have no problem. We’re going to be able to elect a woman in this country.”

Adding, “I would like to see a woman elected.”

Someone off camera then attempted to end the interview prematurely but Biden wanted to finish answering the question. (RELATED: Hillary: Sanders ‘Hadn’t Done His Homework’ [VIDEO])

The vice president added, “The president and I are not going to endorse because we both, when we ran said, ‘Let the party decide.’ But gosh almighty, they’re both qualified. Hillary’s overwhelmingly qualified to be president.”

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