This Reagan Flask Is A Must Own For Outdoor Drinking Season

Jack Kocsis Director of Commerce
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Last weekend, day drinking fans were treated to Kentucky Derby, the unofficial start of “darty” (day party) season. Thus starts the string of graduation parties, beginning-of-summer parties, and other excuses to imbibe outside while the sun is still out.

While there are enlightened establishments out there that do not frown on having a good time, too many cities have so-called “open container laws.” That is, too many places require serious stealth when it comes to celebrating the nice weather as God intended.

If you find yourself in such a locale in the upcoming weekends, you are going to need one of these:

These Reagan flasks are a necessary addition to outdoor drinking season (Photo via Amazon)

These Reagan flasks are a necessary addition to outdoor drinking season (Photo via Amazon)

The Reagan administration fought for individual liberty, and America truly misses the days when such a notion actually existed. Celebrate that legacy this spring and summer with this flask. And if you want to mask beer while your at it, you can get the matching koozie. (I’m hoping you already have the shirt).

Reagan-Bush ’84 Flask — $14.99

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