
The Washington Post’s Readers Really Don’t Like Hillary

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In a rare bout of hard-hitting journalism, The Washington Post broke the news that some Texans don’t like the word “haboob” because it sounds Arabic. The Post uncovered this breaking news by looking at the Facebook page for the US National Weather Service in Lubbock, Texas, where they found two commenters complaining about the word “haboob.”

Inspired by the Post’s ground-breaking method of journalism, The Daily Caller investigated the Post’s Facebook page to see what their commenters are saying. Upon looking at a handful of comments, it quickly became apparent that The Washington Post’s readers are vehemently opposed to Hillary Clinton.

Reader Bryan Bissell wrote:

Voting for Hillary if Bernie drops out is exactly what is wrong with the system. Trump and Sanders align on many major issues whereas Hillary has a proven track record of corruption and being an outright old school politician. Nothing at all will change in a Clinton presidency. The establishment will grow stronger and they will pass laws and legislation to make certain another Bernie or Trump can never get as close to the White House as they have thus far. Anyone who says they will vote for Hillary if Sanders loses was never a true Sanders backer to begin with. #NeverHillary

One popular comment, from reader Jared Hautamaki, said:

Obama took a bunch of former Clinton staff on as part of the reconciliation process in 2008. How well has that change worked out for us? A Clinton term is another 4 years of status quo, which is why we all support Bernie.

Another reader, one Jim Mather, wrote:

Ms. Clinton is a lifer politician whose only change will be in an increase in their family net worth through the Clinton Cash Machine which never stops collecting serious $ across the globe.

Similarly, reader Price Allen wrote:

It doesn’t matter what Hillary says or promises, she will never lead or push through progressive issues.
Everything she says, copying Sanders, is a lie.
Of course she will fall back on her word and do what the corporations tell her to do.

Thus, using the Post’s standard of journalism, TheDC can safely conclude that the Post’s readers are firmly opposed to Hillary Clinton in 2016.