
Californians Cool With Getting Free iPads, MacBooks If They Vote For Bernie [VIDEO]

Mark Dice YouTube

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Conservative video journalist Mark Dice recently asked Californians if they had heard the latest news coming out of the Sanders campaign: that if they vote for Bernie in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, they would receive free iPads and MacBooks Airs.

Despite the impracticality of the suggestion, the Sanders supporters Dice interviews all seem to think it’s a great idea.


“I do think it is a good idea to just hand them out, I guess you could say, especially for students,” notes one woman.

“I guess I would assume it’s politics as usual,” adds a young man wearing a Rutgers Wrestling T-shirt. “Hopefully he does win, because if Trump’s president then it’s the end of the world.”

“That’s what Bernie Sanders is about,” another man tells Dice. “He’s about young people and actually everybody, and free stuff in general, yeah.”

Another, wearing a Los Angeles Lakers hat, notes “that sounds like a hell of a deal to me. I would have to do my research, ’cause I do have a MacBook Pro already. … I think he’s winning the moral war.”

Still, one man told Dice he doesn’t think that is a good idea.

“I feel like that’s just manipulating votes,” he explains. “I personally don’t like it.”

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