
Trump Wants To Sue Clinton Over ‘Nasty’ Ads

REUTERS/Mike Segar

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Kevin Daley Supreme Court correspondent
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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump promised to bring legal action against his political opponents for running “nasty” ads against him.

Trump made the remarks in reference to a Clinton campaign ad that depicts combat veterans and Gold Star families reacting to his incendiary remarks about Republican Sen. John McCain’s war record and the Muslim parents of a slain U.S. soldier.

“There is nobody that loves the vets more or respects the vets more,” Trump said, in reference to the ad. “They’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on false commercials, and it’s a disgrace. So what we’ll do, I guess we’ll sue them. Let’s sue them.”

He made the remarks at one of his signature campaign rallies in Henderson, Nev., during a section of his stump speech concerning the plight of veterans. (RELATED: Trump Lawyers Gearing Up For Fight With New York Times)

Trump regularly threatens to bring causes of action against those he perceives as opposing them. His lawyers recently threatened to sue The New York Times if they published an excerpt and accompanying story about his 1995 tax return.

During the Republican National Convention in July, the Trump Organization’s general counsel sent a letter to “The Art of the Deal” ghostwriter Tony Schwartz, after Schwartz made a series of disparaging remarks about Trump in print and on television. The letter threatened a lawsuit and demanded that he surrender all royalties he accrued from the book’s considerable commercial success and retract the controversial statements.

“Simply stated, your statements are not only completely disingenuous, but replete with outright lies, false and destructive statements, and downright fabrications which you know to be completely untrue, thereby exposing you to liability for damages and other tortious harm,” the letter read.

He has not followed through on any of the threats.

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