
Georgia Voters Show Up To Vote, Records Show They Already Voted

(Photo credit: Reuters News)

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A Georgia man showed up at his local polling place at Columbus Technical College Tuesday morning to cast his vote, but was told he already voted.

Todd Saine walked in and gave the polling staff his identification after filling out his paper work to cast his vote to find that a vote had already been recorded in his name, TMZ reports. Saine claimed he had not voted yet and came to cast his vote today. He was then asked to step aside and wait so the polling staff could figure things out.

“Well, pretty soon there’s another person. Pretty soon there’s another person behind me and we’re forming a line down the side of the room,” Saine told TMZ. “And everybody that is over in my line supposedly has already voted.”

Eventually a supervisor from the Columbus County election board came to the polling station to get to the bottom of the issue. The questioned Saine to make sure he realized he couldn’t vote twice, and again and again he said he hadn’t voted yet.

The supervisor then deleted the vote that was recorded for Saine and allowed him to cast his vote on a paper ballot.

The Director of Elections and Registration in Columbus, “confirmed there was an issue with the electronic poll lists,” and told TMZ they switched to paper ballots for the remainder of the day.

Saine claimed that dozens of other voters ran into the same issue as he, but the Director said it only happened to five to 10 people, TMZ reports. The polling official claimed no votes were compromised in the incident.

Ford Springer