The Mirror

BuzzFeed Goes Off The Rails With X-Rated Makeup Video


Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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BuzzFeed News needs to be called out for its questionable sanity after posting an X-rated makeup video.

The site’s content has been embarrassingly bad for journalism for quite awhile.

But now it’s just grotesque.

And yes, this is coming from someone who works for The Daily Caller, where rules are generally forbidden.

In a new exploitation of mankind, BuzzFeed posted a story and subsequent video of a teenage woman who used her boyfriend’s balls as a makeup blender. BuzzFeed calls it “horrifyingly inspiring.”

But it’s actually just horrifying.

The story falls under the category of BuzzFeed News, which is supposed to be the more serious, respected section of the site.

So much for that.

See here.