
Official Trying To Leave Trump’s EPA Realizes Their Skills Are Not ‘Transferable’ Outside Gov’t

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

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Michael Bastasch DCNF Managing Editor
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An unidentified Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official looking to leave the Trump administration discovered they may not have the right skills for work outside the federal government.

“[W]hat I’ve discovered in looking at new jobs is that our skills are not easily transferable outside of government agencies,” the EPA employee wrote in New York Magazine. “The way you progress here is a little bit different.”

Of all federal workers, EPA officials have been some of the most vocal critics of the Trump administration’s proposed budget cuts and regulatory rollbacks. Some EPA employees even used encrypted messaging apps to coordinate their resistance to Trump.

The EPA employee was one of six federal workers who wrote short pieces for New York Magazine on the “Ethics of Sticking It Out With the Trump Administration.”

The EPA employee, who claims to work research and policy issues, worries the agency is “only going to get worse” under Administrator Scott Pruitt.

“We’re just not optimistic at all,” the employee wrote. “Some people say, Oh, none of it’s really going to happen; the budget cuts aren’t going to be that bad; he’ll get impeached. But I don’t think so. I think we’re in for at least four years of this. Plus, I’m in the prime of my career, and to waste four years of it is not something I’m interested in doing.”

“A lot of us are looking, but we want to stick it out as long as we can — in the hope that, I don’t know, something changes,” the employee wrote. “I really love my job, and I thought I would just stay. But now that I’ve started interviewing for stuff, it just feels like, if I don’t really sell myself and get out sooner rather than later, I might be stuck.”

The employee also mentioned how agency officials were “booing” and silently “giving the finger” to President Donald Trump when he visited EPA headquarters in late March.

Trump visited EPA’s Washington, D.C., headquarters to sign an executive order to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which was put in place by the Obama administration in 2015 to fight global warming.

“There was a little booing. It was mostly silence. There were people silently giving the finger, but nobody was shouting obscenities. Maybe whispering them,” the employee said of Trump’s visit.

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