
Dem Senator: Trump Jr. Will Be Haunted By Email To Russian Lawyer

James Burton Contributor
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Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal argued Thursday on CNN that Donald Trump Jr.’s email replies to a Russian lawyer will continue to “haunt” him.

Calling them the “bombshell of criminal intent,” Blumenthal pushed the possibility of charges of treason and espionage against the president’s son, saying the email chain “could rise to [that] level.”

“These words, ‘I love it,’ will haunt Donald Trump Jr.,” said the senator. “I can see a prosecutor posing arguments repeating those words, again and again and again, because they show what the purpose and motive was of this meeting.”

Blumenthal’s comments, coming Thursday morning on CNN’s “New Day,” are in step with recent comments from other Democratic lawmakers, including Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016, Senator Tim Kaine.

“We are now beyond obstruction of justice,” Kaine said Tuesday. “This is moving into perjury, false statements and even potentially treason.”

This email chain between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer has increased criticism of the possible connection between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.

The Connecticut Democrat did admit that this new revelation may not be the smoking gun that so many Democrats want it to be.

“No question that we are very far from criminal charges here and from proof beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Earlier this year, President Trump had called for the investigation of Sen. Blumenthal for lying about his service in the Vietnam War.