Antifa Used Twitter To Track Down Nazi

Liam Clancy Reporter
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“Anti-fascists” used Twitter to track down a man wearing a swastika armband in Seattle on Sunday. Shortly after, the man was punched in the face, seemingly knocked unconscious.


According to a Buzzfeed report, the man was first sighted on Seattle’s D-line wearing a swastika armband and harassing a black man on the bus. A picture of the man was then posted by Twitter user @bigotbasher.

Twitter user @teethnclaws then joined the search for the man, posting his location.

The user @teethnclaws identified as an “anti-fascist” active in Seattle.

“I would say that we successfully identified, tracked and coordinated to neutralize a clear and present danger to Seattle. Whether we coordinated the actual punch or not,” the user told Buzzfeed, “I, for one, applaud the anonymous hero.”

Antifa has a large presence in many other cities on the West Coast, and their protesters clashed with police in Seattle last month.