
The Latest ‘Westworld’ Hint Indicates We’re In For Complete Anarchy

Westworld (Credit: Screenshot/YouTube HBO)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Another “Westworld” hint was dropped Thursday, and it seems to confirm my theory that anarchy is on the horizon.

Gizmodo wrote the following:

The latest addition is a smuggled-out Delos Guidebook… covered in blood and not-so-cryptic warnings.

Delos Incorporated, one of the guerrilla marketing websites for Westworld, recently added a new employee guidebook that was reportedly stolen from the park and smuggled out in an attempt to get help. The handbook itself mostly features information that’s already been shared, like park operations and the storyline template, but it’s covered in bloody handprints, scorch marks, and desperate pleas for rescue.

A picture of the guidebook can be seen in the tweet below.

So, we already talked about the reports that apparently the military will be involved. This evidence seems to confirm that there will indeed be contact with the outside world.

Opening it up makes the possibilities for the second season absolutely endless. There were already a billion different options for what could happen inside the park. Open up the outside world, and I can’t even envision what might happen.

“Westworld” is returning spring 2018, and it sounds like it’s going to be an incredible ride. While we’re here, we might as well also watch the intro.

It can’t return fast enough.

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