
Dad Who Lost His Son To Illegal Immigrant Blames California, The Media And Democrats

Photo Courtesy Of Don Rosenberg

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Nick Givas Media And Politics Reporter
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Drew Rosenberg was a young aspiring lawyer living in San Fransisco back in 2010, but his life was tragically cut short by an illegal immigrant.

Roberto Galo of Honduras was in the United States illegally and had already been stopped by police for driving down a one-way road in the wrong direction before he killed Rosenberg. He later failed to produce valid identification, but was released after being charged.

Then in 2010, he struck Drew with his car while Drew was riding his motorcycle in California. Galo then repeatedly ran over his body in an attempt to flee the scene.

Galo only spent 43 days in jail for the killing, and was allowed to continue living in the United States for two more years, until he was finally deported in 2013. Drew’s father Don has now become an advocate for fighting sanctuary city laws and spoke with The Daily Caller News Foundation about his thoughts on illegal immigration.

“The battle over illegal immigration is a war,” Rosenberg told TheDCNF. “Maybe not in the traditional sense but a war none the less. While many who come here mean no harm to anyone, their presence has resulted in over 50,000 deaths and literally millions of crimes perpetrated against citizens and legal immigrants.”

Rosenberg thinks the media has failed in its duty to seek the truth and believes journalists have become complicit in the collateral damage.

“Many of the major papers are also in cities with large populations of illegal aliens. That’s not an excuse for bad journalism,” he said. “They will quote everyone under the sun if the narrative is right. They will run op-eds advocating for illegal aliens and quote everyone who says what they want to say but they don’t run a big picture story because they know the truth but don’t want to share it with their readers.”

Rosenberg called out Lt. Gov. of California Gavin Newsom, San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, and California Gov. Jerry Brown, blaming them for the death of his son. They are all Democrats.

“At a micro level It’s Gavin Newsom, George Gascon, Kamala Harris and Jerry Brown,” Rosenberg said. “Newsom was the mayor at the time. A year before Drew was killed, he introduced a new policy that essentially said if you’re here illegally you don’t need a driver’s license. Gascon who was the police chief willingly went along. Harris was the district attorney who should have said: You can’t do that. Cities don’t get to set driving laws.”

Rosenberg used to call himself a lifelong Democrat, but no longer associates with political parties out of disgust for their lack of leadership.

“I have been a lifelong Democrat since my mother took me to see Lyndon Johnson coming to town for the 1964 Democratic convention,” he said. “I am no longer a Democrat, but neither am I a Republican or an Independent. As I watch what has turned into an excuse for governing and representation over the past two decades even before my son’s death I’m pretty sure I would have abandoned the existing parties anyway.”

“The Democrats are counting on Hispanic votes now and they see a flow of new voters for years,” Rosenberg added. “They have owned the black vote for decades and see this voting block not only being larger, but the continuing demographics are very positive.”

Rosenberg responded to his critics by citing the death of his son and said there’s no humanity in abandoning your fellow countrymen.

“Pick out one of your children and kill them. Now you know what it’s like to have your child killed when it was completely preventable,” he replied. “It’s not humanitarian to help those who have violated the law in such massive numbers, while harming your fellow countrymen. There are also millions who want to come here and are waiting patiently to enter legally. Why should they be pushed to the back of the line?”

Rosenberg now devotes his time to the group “Fight Sanctuary State.” A network that strives to raise awareness about the issues of illegal immigration.

“The group that makes up the core of Fight Sanctuary State is an ad hoc group. Most of us didn’t know each other before the group was formed but we all knew that illegal immigration was bad and protecting illegal aliens who committed crimes was even worse,” he said.

“We want law enforcement in California to be able to do what they were hired and trained to do which is stop crime and protect the public. To do that we need to stop politicians from interfering with law enforcement’s mandate and jeopardizing public safety for their own political advantage. The only way to do that is to allow the people to overturn the outrageous laws that our legislature passed, and our governor signed at the expense of law-abiding citizens and legal immigrants,” Rosenberg concluded.

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