‘J. Edgar Hoover Would Be Rolling Over In His Grave’: Meghan McCain Blasts Comey

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Meghan McCain challenged James Comey face to face on Wednesday, telling him that she believed “J.Edgar Hoover would be rolling over in his grave” if he knew what Comey had been talking about in his book and interviews since he was fired in 2017 by President Donald Trump.

The former FBI Director appeared on ABC’s “The View,” saying that it was interview that “meant the most to my wife.” And while much of the interview focused on the release of his book, “A Higher Loyalty,” he faced a few tough questions — mainly from McCain. (Related:

McCain asked Comey how he would respond to people who felt like he was in it for the publicity. “Director Comey, you’ve gotten … you’re not naive to the criticism from Republicans and Democrats. I think it’s worth noting that David Axelrod, a big Democrat, a former chief strategist to President Obama, said ‘I have no doubt about it’s brilliance when it comes to book sales. Maybe he should have called it “Higher Royalties.”‘ What do you say to people like him and people like me that think you’re just doing this for money and attention?”

Comey responded by saying that he hoped Axelrod would read the book. “Even if you leave the book still thinking I’m an idiot, you realize I’m actually kind of an honest idiot and I’m not on anybody’s side.”

McCain pressed Comey further, suggesting that a “tell-all” was not what she would expect from someone whose goal was simply to be a good public servant. “I think that maybe J. Edgar Hoover is rolling over in his grave at saying the types of thing you’re saying and revealing the types of things you’re revealing it doesn’t seem like something that the director of the FBI …”

Goldberg interrupted McCain, questioning whether or not Hoover was the best example to use due to his own questionable behavior, but McCain attempted to keep the train on the rails. “But he didn’t write a tell-all when he left, so that’s the point here.”