
Grill Some Burgers And We’ll Tell You What You Weekend Plans Should Be


Mary Peeples Contributor
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It may only be Tuesday afternoon, but I say it’s never too early to start planning your upcoming weekend.

As a matter of fact, Tuesday afternoon is probably when you’ve hit that work wall, and your mind starts straying to anything that isn’t what’s right in front of you.

Now, what salivates your desire for the weekend more than a burger at cookout? It’s the perfect kickoff, and  this staple get together can put anyone into the weekend mindset. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Throw a patty on the grill and get ready to____ (fill in the blank) the rest of the weekend.

There is so much possibility at this point and time for your weekend to be a success. Why not think more about that burger? How you build your burger might have direct correlation to the events of the glorified weekend.

So, why not combine the two? Build your own burger, and you can daydream about your plans the rest of the work week. It’s planning without the stress — all it takes is the simple click of a button.

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Mary Peeples