Get Your Nikon Golf Rangefinder On Amazon Prime Day

(Media credit Maatman/Shutterstock)

Aaron Andrews Contributor
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Golf is fun, but sometimes it lends itself to over exaggeration from your golfing partner.

Picture this: It’s been a rough day — literally, your golf partner can’t seem to keep it in the fairway. You’re on the last hole, and your partner finally squares one up off of the tee for his first decent drive all day. He is ecstatic. You congratulate him. Heck, you’re glad that something finally went right for the guy.

Stop me if this sounds familiar.

As you finish the round and head into the clubhouse for drinks, that one decent shot gets longer and longer in the retelling. It was a 200, a 250 — no a 300 yard drive!

Slow down there, buddy, it was 180 at best. But it’s too late. Your buddy has lost himself in the golfer’s lie: “I am really good at golf!”

The way to save yourself the frustration of watching your golf partner slip into this delusion of grandeur is simple: Get a rangefinder.

Amazon is offering a great deal on the Nikon Coolshot 20i Golf Rangefinder on Prime Day.

Check it out:

Normally $230, this rangefinder is 25 percent off for Prime Day (Photo via Amazon)

Nikon Coolshot 20i Golf Rangefinder (Slope Version) on sale for $172.46

It was a good shot, buddy. So good that it deserves to be recorded with real numbers.

Trust but verify: buy a rangefinder.

Make sure to keep checking the Daily Dealer over the next two days for a comprehensive collection of the best deals we find on Prime Day 2018, and they are all in one place in our running list of the top discounts.

Photo via Amazon

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