
Sen. Graham: NBC Has Been A ‘Co-Conspirator In The Destruction Of Kavanaugh’

(Fox News 10/1/2018)

Mike Brest Reporter
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Senator Lindsey Graham attacked NBC News for the network’s reporting on the accusations levied against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during an appearance on “Hannity” Monday night.


“And tonight she said, ‘well I didn’t say that he put the drugs in the punch, but he was near the punch. Why does NBC run this?” Hannity asked.

“Well NBC, here’s the biggest offense to me, they’ve been a co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh from my point of view. There was an anonymous letter received by Cory Gardner, the Senator from Colorado with no return address, no information, just a letter, accusing Brett Kavanaugh of assaulting somebody in a restaurant in 1998 in Colorado,” Graham said. “Cory hands it to the committee and somebody on the Democratic side leaked that letter, it got on the NBC Nightly News. The fourth allegation.”

Graham was referencing an NBC News report about an anonymous note sent to Gardner last week. (RELATED: The Senate Is Investigating More Misconduct Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh)

They were also discussing an exclusive interview that aired on MSNBC on Monday night between NBC’s Kate Snow and the third woman who accused Kavanaugh, Julie Swetnick. There were multiple inconsistencies with what she said during her interview and what she said in her sworn affidavit. (RELATED: Brett Kavanaugh’s Third Accuser Explains What Made Her Come Forward – Her Timeline Is Full Of Holes)

He added, “Do you think NBC would have done that if it was a Democratic male nominee? All I can say is that the journalists’ integrity has been destroyed over this case.”

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