Brush Up On Your Project Management Skills While Hanging Out At Home

Mason Thibault Mason is a native of Fall River, Massachusetts, an avid NFL and NCAA fan, and a commerce writer for the Daily Caller
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As all of us are fighting to flatten the curve amid the COVID-19 pandemic, being cooped up at home has become the temporary new normal. And while reaching for a bag of chips and turning on Netflix is incredibly tempting, perhaps spending some of your free to learn a new skill might pay off more in the long run.

When it comes to learning invaluable skill sets that make you a great asset in the workplace, mastering the art of project management is a no-brainer. That’s because project managers are in high demand in just about every field. And thanks to The Premium 2020 Project & Quality Management Certification Bundle, you’ll be able to explore the many facets of professional project management without ever stepping foot in a classroom.

All of the bundle’s eleven courses are led by Stone River eLearning, an experienced company that has taught over a million students since 2011, focusing on high-quality video training in the tech space. And while each course aims at training you to be the most well-rounded project manager possible, each lesson dives deep into the multi-faceted world of quality and project management, from navigating through the Agile Scrum method to understanding risk assessment and planning.

With over 102 hours of comprehensive training, you’ll foster real skills that can effectively set you apart from your competition when applying to jobs or attempting to advance in your current line of work. Knowing how to successfully manage a team and tackle multiple complex projects at a time will make you an invaluable asset in just about any industry.

When it comes time to go back into the office, ensure your opportunities are plentiful by mastering the art of project management! And at just $45.99, completing The Premium 2020 Project & Quality Management Certification Bundle is one of the best things you can do for yourself right now.