
Daily Caller Field Reporter Tells Fox News Migrants Are Being Released ‘In Record Numbers’

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Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura joined Fox News Primetime live from the border to report on the chaotic scene unfolding in Del Rio, Texas.

Host Pete Hegseth asked if President Joe Biden’s administration is aware of what’s happening at the border or if they don’t know how bad the crisis is.

“Well, Pete, the administration is well aware so right now these family units are being processed at record numbers inside the United States,” Ventura explained. “And when you are driving around Del Rio, you will actually find Haitians waiting at either the airport or at these local gas stations to be bussed to San Antonio to take their flights out of state.”

Ventura said that he asked some of the migrants if they had been tested for COVID-19 before being released into the United States, and they said no. (RELATED: Special Envoy For Haiti Resigns Over Biden’s ‘Inhumane, Counterproductive Decision To Deport’ Haitians)

“The majority of the migrants that I spoke to when I asked what state they are flying into is the state of Florida to reunite with their families,” he added. “This administration is well aware that these Haitians are being released, these family units, in record numbers into U.S. cities and towns.”

Hegseth noted that the migrants are being released with the hope that they will report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in 60 days, and asked Ventura if any of the migrants planned to actually report back. Ventura said that the migrants “think they have already made it” and “have no plans to return to either the court order or the notice to return.”

“The problem here is that when I speak to border patrol officials, only 13% of the time those migrants even show up to their court order,” he added.

Ventura also showed a Chilean ID card that was given to some of the migrants who received refugee status when they lived in Chile.