Gas Station Employee Fends Off Would-Be Robber With Bug Spray

Photo Credit: Screenshot/Twitter/@FrancesLinTV

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A gas station employee fended off a would-be robber with bug spray, KATU reported Wednesday.

Amber Mahley, an employee at the B&B Mart in Washington state, thought to use the bug spray after a man allegedly entered the gas station, pulled out a gun and demanded money, KATU reported. Mahley’s actions resulted in the would-be robber leaving the gas station empty-handed, according to the outlet.

“I was scared. I was just trying to protect myself,” Mahley explained to the outlet. “I didn’t even think to open the register to give him the money. I just wanted him out of my space,” she said.


Frances Lin, a reporter at KATU, shared video of the alleged gas station incident involving Mahley to Twitter. In the video, the suspect, dressed in all black, can be seen approaching the register inside the gas station before pulling out a gun. Mahley, who is behind the register, can be seen reaching for the bug spray and then yelling and spraying the would-be robber, prompting him to flee. (RELATED: Employee At Subway Shop Fights Off Robber With His Own Gun, Says Owner Suspended Her After)

At least 11 local law enforcement agencies are looking for the alleged robber, KATU reported.

Kim Kapp, a public information coordinator with the Vancouver Police Department, said there’s been a string of robberies the police believe have been committed by the same suspect.

“We have what we believe about 30, more than 30 robberies that are likely committed by the same suspect,” Kapp said, according to the New York Post. At least seven businesses in the area of Vancouver, Washington are believed to have been affected, including coffee shops, hotels, gas stations, and a cosmetics store, also according to the outlet.