
Contractor Discovers 20 Pounds Of Human Hair Stuffed Into House’s Walls

Photo by Stuart Franklin/Getty Images

Samuel Spencer Contributor
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A Australian man was puzzled to find human hair stuffed into the walls of his home, according to a report published Monday.

The city of Ballarat is situated Northwest of Melbourne, and one Australian website describes it as “hugely impressive” with an “air of stateliness and grandeur.” But the last thing you would want to find in the walls of your stately home is pounds and pounds of human hair.

The resident, identified only as “Chris,” stumbled upon the human hair while having a window replaced, according to Yahoo News.

“[T]here was this huge clump on the ground,” he told Yahoo News Australia. “I walked up and said to the glazier, ‘That’s a really weird looking insulation.'”

The two men concluded that the substance was “too fine” to be horse hair, which is sometimes used as an alternative to regular insulation.

The two ended up extracting around 20 pounds of the human hair out of the bulkhead above the window opening, per Yahoo. It is unclear why the hair was there in the first place, though Chris recalled the previous occupant ran a salon out of the home, Yahoo noted.

“You know what they say, hair is not gross when it’s attached to something but as soon as it’s not attached to something it’s gross,” Chris said, per the outlet.

Chris and his family moved into the home last December and plan to do further renovations, during which they expect to find more human hair, according to Yahoo News.