
ROOKE: Don’t Be Fooled – RFK Is A California Democrat Through And Through

Getty Images/Rebecca Noble

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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America has its first viable third-party presidential candidate in decades, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but he is nothing more than a far-left Democrat parading as a moderate.

It’s undeniable that voters are exhausted by the Democrats’ far-left agenda and the elite media machine that props up President Joe Biden. Voter support for Biden is waning in almost every demographic, including adults under 30, despite the full-court propaganda operation claiming everything is smooth sailing. While Kennedy looks like the perfect compromise between former President Donald Trump and Biden, the reality is that he would be more of the same.

Billionaire hedge-fund financier Bill Ackman, who has recently made waves for denouncing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) university hires, gave an impassioned plea to his over 1.2 million Twitter followers to consider Kennedy a “viable” presidential option.

“One of our most important civic obligations is participating in the political process and deciding whom to vote for in our upcoming presidential election,” Ackman posted. “I have not decided whether or not I will vote for RFK, but I have spent considerable time with him over the last few months and believe that he is both a viable candidate and one worthy of serious consideration.” (ROOKE: The GOP Passes Un-American Censorship Bill That Puts Constitution Through A Paper Shredder)

“In order to be able to consider RFK, you need to put aside what you have read about RFK or ‘heard’ about him, and rather listen to what he has actually said and read what he has actually written,” he continued. “If you do so, I think you will be intrigued.”

So what has Kennedy “actually said” and “actually written”?

Kennedy went on Patrick Bet-David’s podcast four months ago to promote his candidacy. When asked about transgender issues, Kennedy admitted that he didn’t know enough about whether children should be allowed access to so-called gender-affirming care. “Genderaffirming care” is a euphemism proponents use to describe the use of irreversible hormone suppression and sex-change treatments that can lead to chemical castration, as well as surgeries like mastectomy, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty. (ROOKE: We Have One Shot To Save Female Sports, Or It’s All Over)

He told PBD that while he wasn’t fully informed on the subject, he believes that children should have access to these irreversible procedures as long as their parents give consent. Kennedy has since backtracked on the issue, according to his campaign website. However, the statement is lukewarm at best and seems to be yet another example of a leftist who will say anything to get elected.

“Mr. Kennedy believes in body autonomy and respect for the choices of others. He believes that those who wish to alter their bodies or express as another gender should be free to do so. However, he believes it is important to preserve women’s sports and women-only shelters for biological women. And he believes that gender-change surgeries and puberty blockers should not be given to minors,” his website states.

Just four months ago, Kennedy was fully supportive of minors receiving these harmful surgeries. Not much has really changed. He claims to be against the practice now but still feels that people should be allowed to “alter their bodies” under the guise it will cure their mental illness. This isn’t a moderate stance at all. He’s just another California Democrat who seems to think slapping “Independent” in front of his campaign will confuse voters into supporting his presidential aspirations.

Years before Kennedy decided to run for president, he gave a speech about how immoral Republicans were at a 2005 IdeaCity conference. The annual IdeaCity conference, presented by Moses Znaimer, lasts about three days and claims to be Canada’s “premier meeting of the minds.” During Kennedy’s 20-minute talk about environmental infrastructure, he went on an unhinged rant about the culture war that divided America between red states and blue states, where he claimed that red-state residents are more morally degenerate than their counterparts. (ROOKE: Red State Bill Could See Residents Jailed For Online Speech)

“On weekends in the United States, they have these Saturday-morning talk shows where these pundits get on – we call them in our house the Saturday morning gas bags – but these pundits get on, and they posit that the reason that Bush won the election is because we have the red states and the blue states and … there is this huge moral war – a culture war – going on the United States where you have the red states were morally robust, and the blue states are kinda degenerate and dissolute. And it’s not true,” Kennedy claimed.

He said that while researching an article on morality in red states compared to blue states for Vanity Fair, he found that blue states had a much higher moral level, “using the criteria that most of us use to judge morality.”

“Red state people are more likely to murder you, to impregnate your teenage daughter, to commit a violent crime against you, to commit a nonviolent crime against you, to watch Desperate Housewives on TV, to buy pornography, to buy degenerate video games like ‘Grand Theft Auto,'” Kennedy told the crowd.

Even more shocking is that in the actual piece he wrote for Vanity Fair in 2005 on the subject of morality in the United States, Kennedy claims that the rise of conservative media is bad for democracy.

“This threat to the flow of information, vital to democracy’s survival, has been compounded in recent years by the growing power of right-wing media that twist the news and deliberately deceive the public to advance their radical agenda,” Kennedy wrote.

Now, decades later, Kennedy is relying on right-wing media to bolster his trojan horse campaign.

In his piece, Kennedy cites the left-wing media company Media Matters for America and its founder, David Brock, for its work in “uncovering” how Republicans use right-wing media to “corrupt democracy.” That’s the same Media Matters that has instigated advertising boycotts against countless conservative outlets and figures, many of whom RFK is now courting. (ROOKE: The Boys Will Be Alright, But What About Our Young Women?)

“Brock, who admits to participating in the deliberate deception while he was a so-called journalist on the right-wing payroll, worries that the right-wing media are systematically feeding the public ‘false and wrong information. It’s a really significant problem for democracy,'” Kennedy continued.

These are the same lines Americans hear parroted by far-left actors in elite media today. If you are a conservative, you must be against “Democracy,” with a capital D. This wasn’t written by some equity-admitted graduate at Columbia.

It should worry American voters that while Kennedy seems like the common-sense candidate poised to bring neutrality back to the White House on the surface, he’s actually a progressive parading as an independent thinker.