
Daily Caller Columnist Applauds Lara Trump For Election Integrity, Says Voters On Both Sides Concerned Over Issue

[Screenshot/YouTube/"The Right View"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Daily Caller columnist Mary Rooke applauded Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair Lara Trump on her recent push for election integrity Tuesday on Trump’s show, saying voters on both sides of the aisle have concerns about the issue.

Rooke appeared on Lara Trump’s “The Right View” to discuss top issues for voters coming this November, such as election transparency concerns and the ongoing border crisis. During the discussion with fellow panelist attorney Mehek Cooke, Lara Trump asked Rooke about the apparent backlash over the RNC’s announcement of finding and prosecuting those who cheat in the upcoming election. (RELATED: ‘Rigged’: Death Of The American Voter | WATCH NOW)

“Yeah, you know this actually hits on two great documentaries we put out this year for the Daily Caller,'” Rooke said. “One was Rigged: Death of the American Voter and it goes through all of the election issues in 2020. How it woke up a lot of American voters to just —  it’s not even just about the tabulation machines. It’s about the money that was funneled in to be able to get all of the ballot boxes that were not being watched [and] all of this stuff. So for you to come in as the head of the RNC or you know as the vice chair to come in and say, ‘Hey, listen guess what we’re going to make this different. We’re going to ensure that these issues that everybody around America is worried about.”

“I mean I haven’t talked to a single Republican voter in the past three years that hasn’t said, ‘Okay that’s great that Trump is running again, but what do we do about ensuring they don’t steal the 2024 election,'” she went on. “It is the top priority for, especially for Republican voters, but there are Democrat voters in my family that I know for a fact come and whisper to me in my ear and say, ‘Yeah, but the Democrats were able to take it in 2020 what makes you think Republicans are going to be able to overcome that in 2024?'”

“Oh, they even know! They know Mary,” Lara Trump jumped in.

“Exactly, they know,” Rooke responded. “It’s one of those things where it was like the best kept secret for a very long time, but they overplayed their hand in 2020 and now that you’re coming on the offensive about it they’re like wait no Republicans aren’t allowed to do anything about it they’re just supposed to sit back and get punched in the face a thousand times. It’s great to see the momentum, it’s great to see that things are — you know, the main issue for voters is getting addressed right now. [So] just ignore it, that’s how I feel. Just ignore it and keep on pushing, because the second we start backtracking on those types of things [is] the second they know they won and they can continue to do it.”

Rooke called out the backlash against Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for attempting to investigate the 2020 election results, as the State Bar of Texas’s Commission for Lawyer Discipline attempted to censure him at the time.

“So we have to give Republicans some power — the ability and the power to be able to go after these election fraud issues,” Rooke said. “Then we also have to stand up, like you’re doing right now, and just say I don’t care what you have to say against me, we’re going to continue to go after these people that are trying to ruin the integrity of our election system. It’s the most important thing that we have here and it’s the thing that makes us America. That we can trust what happens on Election Day and for the past couple of years I can’t say Americans feel that way.”

Lara Trump recently announced at a Turning Point USA (TPUSA) event that the RNC is gearing up to have over 100,000 poll watchers along with over 500 lawyers to prepare for the 2024 presidential election. During her speech to the audience, the RNC co-chair warned those thinking about cheating that the RNC will “find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”