
Newt Gingrich Says Biden Will Lose Debate Unless He Hits ‘Knockout Punch’ Due To Policies Affecting Voters

(Screenshot/Fox News/"Hannity")

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday on Fox News that President Joe Biden will lose the first debate against former President Donald Trump unless he delivers a “knockout punch” due to his policies affecting American voters.

Gingrich appeared on “Hannity” to discuss the upcoming debate between Biden and Trump, as CNN released the finalized agreed-upon rules for the two nominees. Fox host Sean Hannity began by questioning Gingrich on his thoughts of how Biden could perform, as he teased about Biden’s delivery for his State of the Union address. (RELATED: ‘Why Is It So Close?’: CNN Host Presses Biden Campaign Co-Chair On Race Being Tight Despite Trump’s Legal Issues)

“First of all there are about 5 million people who follow this in some way that you and I do and pay attention to this stuff. There are another 330 million Americans who just don’t care, they think it’s all noise. I mean this is June. Imagine we were having a contest for what [should the] Christmas tree look like, that’s about what this is like,” Gingrich said.

“Let me offer you a totally contrarian view, unless Biden can hit a knockout punch against Trump, he loses the debate by definition. Because the next morning everybody goes back to a grocery store and they look at the prices and they remember who the president is. The following day they watch the local news and they see an illegal immigrant rape or murder an American citizen and they remember Biden has an open border. The day after that they see Biden stumbling around confused with somebody helping them off of a stage or onto a stage.”

“The problem Biden has is, he has this brief 90-minute moment to try to get people to believe that’s the real deal. Trump’s job, which I’m not sure he fully understands, is very different. All Trump has to do is laugh, relax — look, if I were coaching Trump I would say why don’t you ask Joe, ‘Do you think your uncle was eaten by cannibals?'” Gingrich questioned.

In April Biden had visited a Pennsylvania war memorial and claimed that his uncle, Second Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., was not only shot down during WWII over New Guinea but that he had never been found due to lots of “cannibals” on the island. While many were confused by Biden’s claims, the Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency refuted the idea as they wrote that the plane was abandoned into the ocean for unknown reasons.

The 90-minute debate between the two leaders is set to take place on June 27 and will be hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta. Some of the finalized rules for the event include muting microphones, barring a live audience, and banning cheat sheets.