
Brad Wenstrup Fires Back At Schiff Over Fabricated Summary Of Ukraine Call

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Republican Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup fired back at House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff over his fabricated account of President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The committee convened Thursday to interview acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire with regard to that July 25 phone call, the transcript of that call, and a whistleblower complaint about the call — and Schiff opened the hearing with a factually-challenged account of the contents of the call.

Wenstrup used some of his time to address Schiff’s account, which the chairman later brushed off as “parody,” saying, “It’s a shame that we started off this hearing with fictional remarks. The implication of a conversation that took place between a president and a foreign leader putting words into it that did not exist. They were not in the transcript.” (RELATED: ‘You Accused Him Of Breaking The Law’: Stewart Balks When Schiff Claims No One Accused Maguire Of Anything)


Wenstrup continued, arguing that the lack of clarity from Schiff may have been intentional. “And I would contend that they were intentionally not clear and the chairman described it as parody and I don’t believe this is the time or the place for parody when we are seeking facts,” he explained.

“And unfortunately today, many innocent Americans are going to turn on their TV and the media is only going to show that section of what the chairman had to say. But I’m glad to know many Americans have seen this movie too many times and they’re tired of it,” Wenstrup concluded.