
Chip Roy: Trump Needs To Veto Spending Bill Made By ‘Swamp Creatures’

(Daily Caller)

Anders Hagstrom White House Correspondent
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Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy slammed Republicans and Democrats for passing a $1.4 trillion spending bill Wednesday, calling on President Donald Trump to veto the bill.

The House of Representatives received the bill with less than 24 hours to review it, despite being more than two thousands pages long, Roy told the Daily Caller’s Anders Hagstrom.

“Nobody back home expects this to be the way we do business. Nobody operates this way in the real world, yet this is the way Congress operates,” he said. (RELATED: Chip Roy Launches Attack On Dems Before Storming Out Of Hearing)

Roy has been one of the few Republicans to outspokenly oppose the bill. He reminded Trump that after he signed a $1.3 trillion budget deal last year, he vowed to veto the next one. While Roy hopes Trump will keep the pledge, he isn’t hopeful for a veto.

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